"I just wanted to make something sexy - a system that made people happy when they used it"
Chimbra is the best management software to run any small to medium sized business. Chimbra provides all your business needs in a one-stop solution - no more logging into lots of different systems just to get through your day. Chimbra modules are completely integrated to create fully automated business processes.
When I started building Chimbra in 2017 I wasn't setting out to build disruptive technology - I wanted to build something constructive. I was as frustrated as the business owners I worked with - log in to one system here, another system there. I saw so many business owners introducing 5 or 6 different applications in a year trying to get more transparency on their companies. But the small teams were fatigued with the ever changing array of systems - they felt like their workload was ever increasing, not decreasing. (It was). In the end most business owners end up with nothing - they have no real handle on their sales pipes, everything is manual, projects fail to deliver and their teams are jaded just plodding on the treadmill of running their business.
I also noticed that the majority of the systems they tried were just plain ugly. It was very obvious that the better looking the interface the quicker small teams adopted the solution. My motivations for developing Chimbra was thus easy:
It had to be simple to use, very quick to learn for small teams short on time and patience;
It had to have everything a small business needed without stressful bells and whistles - eliminate fluff and eliminate as many other systems as possible;
It had to cut through the noise by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to focus time and energy on getting things done;
AND it had to be the most beautiful software experience ever made!!